Hot rods, old cars, customs and the such... without friends, it would be a lonely ride. It's amazing how much people are willing to help just for the sake of having another friend on the road with a neat old car. We have had a lot of luck with people supporting our project with time, advice or just kind words.
Now we have even made new friends just by the virtue of going to grab some lunch! A recent trip to Rico's Tacos Lupe led to the spotting of a really fresh F1. Lowered, white walls, and a tough sounding Flathead. Most impressive? This sharp looking 1950 is a DAILY DRIVER! That's doing it right.

Speaking of friends, the shop can get a little lonely without some helping hands. This is how the car bug is planted.

You can also see a small piece of our next project in that first photo. Good thing Lil' Buddy has had his tetanus shot.